What We Do
CPDC’s work concentrates on 4 key thematic areas. These are policy, grassroots dialogue and cultural reconciliation, cross-community civil society networking and economy and commerce.

● Establish small group meetings and workshops to discuss and identify salient policy obstacles regarding
reunification/ reaching a comprehensive settlement.
● Undertake a lessons learned activity regarding past peace negotiations.
● Ensure the inclusion of gender and youth considerations in a possible resumed negotiation process.
● Liaise with communities, civil society, governmental, domestic and international institutions to understand the feasibility of policy ideas.
Cross-Community Civil Society Networking

● Provide networking opportunities and create linkages among civil society across Cyprus, including NGOs, civil society initiatives and activists.
● To devise joint initiatives and programmes to support sustainable cross-community collaboration and
strengthen CSO capacity.
● To devise communication and outreach campaigns (both in-presence and digital) that promote the benefit
of cooperation and a solution to the Cyprus problem.
Grasroots Dialogue and Cultural Reconciliation

● Create and establish linkages with existing cultural initiatives centred around bi-communal participation and engagement at a community level.
● Design activities centred on cultivating a culture of peace and facilitating greater understanding and trust between communities.
● Create programmes, trainings and workshops centred on youth cross-community collaboration, organised
around language education, federalism, community support projects, history education, cultural exchanges, conflict transformation and social mediation.
Economy and Commerce

● To leverage opportunities for networking, interaction, joint ventures and lasting business relations between
Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot business owners and entrepreneurs.
● To inform business people and entrepreneurs of the benefits of cooperation, including information on the Green Line Regulation, and how to improve and best utilize it.
● To organise communication and outreach campaigns, which promote the benefits relating to economy and
commerce of a unified Cyprus.